
The Foundry Toolchain

The Foundry toolchain stands as a cutting-edge suite of tools for smart contract development. Crafted in Rust, it offers a flexible and component-based approach to building Ethereum applications.

Foundry enables you to handle project dependencies, compile your work, execute tests, deploy contracts, and engage with the blockchain through command-line instructions or Solidity scripts.

To begin your journey with Foundry in the Superseed ecosystem, explore the Foundry Book (opens in a new tab).

Leveraging Foundry for Superseed Development

Developers aiming to integrate Foundry with the Superseed ecosystem will find the process straightforward and tailored for ease of use.

Ensure you provide the correct Superseed RPC URL and Chain ID to effectively deploy and verify contracts within your development pipeline.

Superseed Sepolia Testnet

  • Smart Contract Deployment:
    forge create ... --rpc-url= --chain-id 53302
  • Smart Contract Verification:
    forge verify-contract ... --chain-id 53302

Substitute the ... in each command with your specific contract parameters or additional options to align with the requirements of your project.