Data Providers

Data Providers


Goldsky serves as a go-to data indexer for web3 builders, offering two core self-serve products: Subgraphs and Mirror. These products can be used independently or in conjunction to power your data stack.

  1. Subgraphs: high-performance subgraphs that provide flexible indexing with TypeScript support, webhooks, and more. Developers can deploy subgraphs to Goldsky, making Superseed data accessible via hosted API endpoints or directly within their own infrastructure. Additionally, Superseed subgraphs deployed to Goldsky can be replicated into internal datastores using Goldsky Mirror. This integration allows live blockchain data to flow directly into databases or message queues with a single YAML configuration, enabling alternative access patterns and joins with other application or user data.

  2. Mirror: real-time data replication pipelines. It allows you to stream live blockchain data into your own infrastructure. By leveraging Goldsky hosted subgraphs as a data source, you can connect to various sinks without any data lag.

For detailed documentation and quick start guides, you can explore the Goldsky Subgraphs (opens in a new tab) and Goldsky Mirror (opens in a new tab) resources. 🚀

Supported Networks

  • Superseed Sepolia Testnet