Core Concepts
What is Superseed?

What is Superseed?

Superseed is a network that transforms Ethereum scaling into self-repaying loans.

We believe in Ethereum’s ability to enable financial freedom. Superseed extends this by maximizing capital efficiency, returning 100% of protocol revenue to our users.

With Superseed, you access yield at zero percent interest, with loans repaid effortlessly through protocol-generated fees, including sequencer profits, CDP interest, and inflationary rewards.

Superseed is an optimistic rollup, featuring a collection of components designed to enhance the onchain experience by automatically repaying loans. Key components include:

  • A general-purpose Ethereum Layer 2 built on the OP stack. Superseed is open-source, permissionless, and Ethereum-equivalent, enabling builders to seamlessly create using familiar tooling and infrastructure.
  • A native CDP (Collateralized Debt Position) platform enshrined in the rollup protocol.
  • Proof-of-Repayment: A unique programmatic reward mechanism, where a small percentage of the native token’s total supply is distributed daily through an auction. The auction proceeds are used to repay the loans of Supercollateral users
  • Dynamic Repayment Vault: Channels protocol fees into a smart contract that systematically burns debt, stabilizing the repayment rate for Supercollateral users.
  • Supercollateral: Superseed’s governance token plays a special role within the CDP protocol, allowing borrowers who meet safety requirements (e.g., a collateralization ratio of 500%) to secure loans without interest. All fees generated across the network are used to burn the debt of Supercollateral users.
  • The Superseed Stablecoin: An overcollateralized stablecoin is generated when users borrow against their assets on the native CDP platform. To ensure stability, the protocol mandates that the value of the collateral must exceed 150% of the stablecoin’s value.